Reflection on old guiding principles...
- Do I know how to fully use and explain how to use the technology?
- After going through this course I realize that I will never be able to know all of the bells and whistles prior to introducing a tool and my students and I need to be willing to learn from each other about aspects of each webtool
- Will the use of this technology benefit my students?
- Also, how will this my students?
- I think benefits should fall into a few categories - enhance course material, increase class participation, learn a topic in a way that couldn't have been done before, webtools that students can use in the future, etc
- Is this technology something that my students could use outside of my classroom (is it relevant)?
- I think this falls under the category of benefits - students should be exposed to tools that can benefit them outside of just my classroom
- What is the purpose of using this technology? (Taken from Utecht’s “Evaluating Technology Use in the Classroom”)
- Am I dabbling?
- Does this do old things in old ways?
- Does this do old things in new ways?
- Does this do new things in new ways?
- How will the use of this technology improve my students’ ability to learn the material and develop core life skills?
- If a webtool can't do either of these things it probably isn't worth implementing
- Have I gotten feedback from colleagues on how I plan to use this technology?
- Will my students learn the material better or in new ways by using this tool?
- Consider the use for the webtool...(Utecht's purposes)
- Know how to use the necessary components of the webtool and be able to troubleshoot
- Be willing to learn from students
- Evaluate the benefits of using the webtool
- Process how the webtool will enhance students' skills and learning
- Gather feedback prior to use from colleagues and reflect after use
- Ensure that the webtools will be used safely